Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Lambasting UP

What's up with non-UP people why in the freaking world they're so bitter to UP-ians.

Roma sent me this link a few minutes ago. Here's the whole entry.

UP Students: Fake Scholars

UP students are not supposed to be called “Iskolar ng Bayan” (Scholar of the Nation). They are “paying scholars”. If you are paying more or less PHP 21, 000, would you really feel that you are indeed a “Iskolar ng Bayan”? Upon enrollment, UP students get in line to pay for their tuition holding wads of cash roughly four times thicker than those from New Era University would pay for. I am sure that we don’t need figures, charts, and statistics to prove the veracity of my claim.

Had it been somebody from PUP, PLM, PNU, TUP, or any state university/college who boasted himself as “Iskolar ng Bayan”, I am inclined to agree. Otherwise, if it’s from UP who claims such, I will maintain the same incredulous revulsion.

Braggart, think twice! Admit it or not, you don’t deserve to be called “Iskolar ng Bayan”… in the true sense of the word.

Just a few comments to the blogger named Dennis
(1) Sino ka?
(2) Graduate ka ng what school ulit? New Era right?

(3) U sure u passed UPCAT? Why didn't you enroll in UP?
(4) Nice way to have more hits in your blog.
(5) Where is all the hatred coming from? Bumagsak ka naman ata eh.
anyone has the right to react the way UP-ians did in that blog. Reading an article where your own Alma Mater (be it ADMU, DLSU or even NEW ERA) being lambasted will make an impetus for people to at least give their opinion and defend their own school brutally or scholarly.

Yun lang.

Read it. Here is the link. http://ramblingsofdennis.wordpress.com/2008/08/04/up-students-fake-scholars/


the jester-in-exile said...

i saw on the comment thread this, in response to my post against the fellow relojo: Our default reaction to people criticizing UP is "BITTER ka lang." or "Inggit ka lang, kasi hindi ka taga-UP."

my question would therefore be if you could demolish his stand.

(and all the while i was being told that UP was supposed to be the school of the country's best and brightest.)

I am Suplada said...

Today, UP students pay Php 20,000 a semester for something that should go for up to Php 80,000. That's a hefty scholarship already.

But before I go on, we should first concede on what for you and for me the REAL meaning of being A scholar?

After all, if you want me to debunk and lambast the argumentation of Dennis, i should first agree or even understand to his definition.

Thanks for the comment jester. :)

I am Suplada said...

and by the way jester, anyone has the right to react the way UP-ians did in that blog. Reading an article where your own Alma Mater (be it ADMU, DLSU or even NEW ERA) being lambasted will make an impetus for people to at least give their opinion and defend their own school brutally or scholarly.