Monday, September 29, 2008

Movie Review: And When Did You Last See Your Father? (United Kingdom)

"Between every father and his son there is a story to be told."

And When Did You Last See Your Father?
(2007) is an English film based on Blake Morrison's 1993 autobiography of the same name. The film was directed by Anand Tucker and stars Jim Broadbent, Colin Firth, Juliet Stevenson, Matthew Beard and Carey Mulligan.

This was the first film I saw at this year's Cine Europa.


"A parent and a child. The past and the present. Memories and secrets. Can you know someone for a lifetime.... and not know them at all? The life of a father. Through the journey of a son."

The plot essentially revolves around a series of memories Blake has about his father when he was younger while seeing him die in present. Blake showed how hurt he was knowing that his father philanders with another woman.


Some may find this movie dragging. If you're looking for visual entertainment, then this movie is not for you. This is not the type that Masa Filipinos would love watching. But I really did enjoy the movie.

It was artistic, simple and deep. I could somehow relate to this film as I experienced the same thing when my dad was dying 5 years ago. I was quiet the whole time because I was so touched as to how Firth put life into the character. Blake's character was the same person I was 5 years ago.

Each scene was artistically shot and each character was professionaly played. I loved how Broadbent played his role as a very annoying father to his teenage son, Blake. I loved how Broadbent characterized my dad.

My last recollection of my father was him smiling at me and telling me how proud he was of me. That was the last time he looked at my eyes and felt that I was his eldest and his most important kid.

Like in the movie, My father was authoritative. He did things his way not minding how people will react. He was smart and he really knew what he was talking about. He's arrogant and scary. and I love him for that.

I could put myself in Blake's situation because I know how hard it was to see your dad dying. What's more painful is that you felt that you knew him but it was still not enough.

After watching the movie, I was just quiet and rekindled all the good memories of my father. It was that heartwarming.

Here's the trailer.


Mood: Sleepy!

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