Sunday, September 28, 2008

Movie Review: Summer Storm (German: Sommersturm)

Mike told me that I should and must watch Summer Storm (German: Sommersturm). He blogged about it and I know that he has very good taste in movies. So he sent me the imeem link where I could watch it.

Summer Storm (German: Sommersturm) is a multi award-winning, German coming-of-age film directed by Marco Kreuzpainter. It was released in 2004.


Rowing Teams from all over Germany stayed in a camping ground for one week of training before the final rowing competition.

The RSC rowing team camped out with a gay rowing team called "Queerstrokes" (Queerschlag). Supposedly the RSC team will be camping out with the girls team from Berlin but they backed out and they had no choice. The members of Queerstrokes were so proud of their strengths and abilities in the sport, so there were inevitable tense interactions with the RSC team.
Because of unexpected circumstances, RSC's Tobi was forced to confront his long-time feelings for his close friend and team-mate Achim, who was already romantically involved with a girl named Sandra.

As the movie progresses, there were deeper issues the Tobi had to face.

Of course, I won't spill...


The movie is artistic, sexy and young yet mature. It successfully showcased the process of how the youth of today discover the real essence of sexuality. The characters were very natural with their roles. The movie shows homosexuality in a deeper sense where those who have biases and prejudices towards homosexuals will treat this movie as an eye-opener. It will serve as a learning experience for those who are judgmental about the people who have different sexual orientations.

The soundtrack is equally good and I have yet to download it.

Here's the trailer.

Click this to watch it.

Got the pictures from

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