Sunday, November 16, 2008


It's Monday. It's Early.

And I am already PISSED!

1.) Never never wake me up by just banging in the door and shout my name. Never mess up with me while I'm sleeping. You can just wake me up by merely calling my name or tapping my arm. That way I would still wake up.

2.) HK headquarters implemented a policy stating that employees shouldn't listen to Music while working. Just by reading the email I already GOT PISSED!

a.) There are people who devise ways how to be more efficient and effective while working. And listening to music is one of the ways for me not get so sleepy while working. Listening to music is not tantamout to you being lazy or being ineffective. THAT IS BS. Back in College I couldn't study without my earphones tucked in my ears. If the people here are that boring and could stand 8 hours or so of work without listening to any song I don't give a damn. I don't even give a shit! (I couldn't work that way). Of course, my Manila colleagues reacted to this rule so I'm not singled out. Gademit

b.) Before implementing such policy the management should have at least studied the status quo and ask WHAT IS INHERENTLY WRONG WITH PEOPLE LISTENING TO MUSIC WHILE WORKING. Is it that grave for you not to allow it? You know, listening to music is a right and if the people give you the deliverables on time, Don't be too STRICT. Gademit.

Obvious ba na apektado ako?????????????????????????????????????????????????????

On the other note. I received my first birthday gift this year. It's a new Nikon DSLR camera. Will post my first test shots :) Will post more about this later. Inis pa ako.

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