Thursday, April 8, 2010


It took me a lot of courage to write about my illness.

I really don't want to tell everyone on what my health status is because I keep on thinking that it's really nothing.

You see, thyroid cancer will not shorten my life, -year wise. And if you do a research about it, it is something that you can cure. Remove the thyroid, undergo radio iodine therapy and recurrence is unlikely to happen.

What stresses me is the idea that I have to deal with the C word at my age. Never mind if it's serious, dreaded or not. Never mind if 100% it can be cured. The psychological and emotional effects are way beyond you can imagine.

Lately, I feel that my world has stopped. Going to and from the hospital to get my TSH and FT4 checked. I feel so guilty for my family and my daughter for not being so brave enough to face this.

Here I am, inside the busy environment of the office, trying to conceal my illness in the hopes that they will trust me that I can pull off my responsibilities anytime of the day.

It's tough. I am hungry for emotional support and retail therapy.

I am just awaiting the go signal of my gwapong endocrinologist so that I could undergo the therapy soon.

After that, I will break free.


Unknown said...

don't worry, i'll always pray for you :) everything will be okay. lift everything to God, Siya na ang bahala :) di ka Niya papabayaan. i know you're strong :) God bless! mwah! take care always!:) -tin

Jing Ocay said...

yotch, will pray for you! kaya mo yan're strong.we love you so much!

I am Suplada said...

Thank you guys!

Following you on your blogs!