Thursday, January 1, 2009


Coldplay will be in Tokyo this February.

You see, I only have a few artists whom I will really pay big amount of pesoses just to watch them perform live.

Chris Brown is definitely not one of them. I watched the concert in Macau due to the following reasons:

1.) I want to go back there.
2.) It was such a big deal here in Manila to watch him.
3.) Lastly, I wanted to experience watching at the Venetian.

I'm not THAT of a fan.

But if the following artists will come over, I would eat eggs and sardines every single day and wouldn't buy anything for myself just to be able to get front row tickets.

1.) Coldplay
2.) Usher
3.) Dave Matthews Band
4.) Sting

I let Sting pass in Hong Kong, simply because it was expensive and it was too late for me to fix my schedule.

I haven't heard any news of DMB and Usher being around Asia Pacific.

As I was looking at the Coldplay's website, I learned that they will be in Japan this February!

OMG. OMG and OMG! Ja is checking Cebu Pacific right now for ticket costs.

Double click for a larger view.

Anyway, I am wondering if they have fans in Japan? Because the last time Ja checked, the Mariah song that her Japanese friend knows is Hero.

I wish they should have planned to come here instead!

I am praying the tickets are not that expensive so Ja and I could go. Oh well.

I just promised myself 24 hours ago that I am gonna save. 24 hours later, I'm checking plane tickets to Japan.

I remember last June when I was in LA I was checking out their website if they'll be around California then. Sadly, they had a concert in July. CRAP.

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