Saturday, December 20, 2008


This was a BUSY day.

- Woke up early to go to the office.
- Did some work.
- Waited for our balikbayan box from Hong Kong (We had to send some of our stuff in a balikbayan box because of the stupid baggage limit of 15kgs by Cebu Pacific. Hello! 2.5 months at 15 kgs? NO WAY!)
- Unpacked the balikbayan box.
- Arranged my stuff.
- Fixed my oh so messy desk.
- Christmas lunch with boyfriend.
- Giftgiving with boyfriend.
- Watched a movie with boyfriend.
- Shopped with boyfriend.- Drank coffee with boyfriend (my Starbucks stamp card is almost full after 1 week in Manila. Thanks Papsie and Chiqui for the extra 4 stickers. I Like the red one. How about you?)
- Bought cake for mum's birthday.
- Went to Makati for an aromatic swedish massage.
- Ate BBQ at Yoo hoo :) (Good dinner)
- Surprised mum.
- Bade goodbye to boyfriend.


Tomorrow will be a LOOOOOOOOONG day too. :)

How did your day go?

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