Sunday, August 16, 2009


I have this feeling that the D-day will be within this week.

My body has been unpredictable since last Friday. The exact age of Lilly is 37 weeks and 5 days. On Wednesday it will be her 38th. It means that she's fully grown and baked enough to survive the outside world.

A full term baby is 36-40 weeks old.

Not all of you know what really happened why I decided to get married and why we have decided to have a baby. Apparently its for health reasons (I just had to make sure that at least I will have a baby before it's too late). I've blogged about it last January in my other sites. You can look for it.

The whole pregnancy was a rollercoaster ride for me. I am an adventurous woman and I like surprises. But this whole thing has changed me a lot. It has changed how I look at my life, how I look at other people, how much I love my family and how fast life is.

It wasn't an easy pregnancy for me. I have this cyst that used to be the reason why everything has to be done so fast. It was unacceptable at first. But I was in great pain and health risks. Babies bring miracles. That's what Lilly has done. The cyst that endangered my life 9 months ago miraculously disappeared during my second trimester. It was all because of the hormonal balance that my pregnancy brought me.

It was hard to explain but it was because of her.

I may not have enjoyed the whole 38 weeks but I'm pretty sure that I'll be very happy when I will finally see her. She saved my life. :)

Finally, this is my song for her.

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